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2023년 5월 <대한민국 생존전략>


대만 중국문화대학교 동양어학과 졸업
영국 런던정경대(LSE) 비교정치학 석사, 국제관계학 박사

현 한국외국어대학교 국제학부 교수
대통령 직속 정책기획위원회 위원, 행정자치부 정책자문위원
글로벌전략협력연구원장, 한국국제정치학회 이사
캐나다 글로벌문제연구소· 중국 차하얼학회 펠로우

청와대 국가안보실·외교부·국방부 서울안보대화 자문위원, 국회 한중정치경제포럼 자문교수, 국방연구원 선임연구원 역임

주요 논저
China Watcher: Seeking Common Grounds While Narrowing Differences (HUINE)
“The US Strategic Rebalance and South Korea’s Dilemma: Uncertain Future and Forced Decisions,” in Asia Pacific Countries and the US Rebalancing Strategy (Palgrave Macmillan)
大国新历程: 一位韩国学者的中国观察(人民日报出版社, forthcoming)
중국의 일대일로 전략과 신남방정책 추진방안 (국립외교원) 외 다수

Professor Hwang is the director of Institute for Global Strategy and Cooperation and a professor of the Division of International Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS) in Seoul, Korea. He holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the LSE. He is currently a guest fellow at the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat, and fellow at the Canadian Global Affairs Institute and the Chahar Institute, as well as an advisor to Ministry of the Interior and Safety. He was a member of the Presidential Commission on Policy and Planning, a member of advisory boards for the National Security Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He was a visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution (US), Peking University, China Institute of International Studies (China), National Institute for Defense Analysis, Keio University ( Japan), University of Melbourne (Australia). Before joining HUFS in 2010, he served as a research fellow at the Center for Security and Strategy in the Korea Institute for Defense Analyses. His areas of expertise include Chinese foreign policy and Sino-South Korean relations as well as diplomatic and security issues in Northeast Asia.   

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