
베스트셀러: 최근 일주일간 가장 많이 판매된 도서입니다.

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The Color of Water: A Black Man's Tribute to His White Mother (Paperback, 10, Anniversary)
McBride, James | Riverhead Books
18,960원(20% 할인 / 950원)
One Minute to Midnight: Kennedy, Khrushchev, and Castro on the Brink of Nuclear War (Paperback)
마이클 돕스 지음 | Vintage Books
28,040원(18% 할인 / 1,410원)
The Esoteric Napoleon 2: Louisiana Territory Mystery: Louisiana Territory Mystery (Paperback)
Walter Bosley | lulu.com
32,270원(18% 할인 / 1,620원)
The Nine Lives of Christopher Columbus (Hardcover)
Matthew Restall | W. W. Norton & Company
51,660원(18% 할인 / 2,590원)

The Growth of the American Republic: Original Classic 1930 Edition (Paperback)
Samuel Eliot Morison | Maple Spring Publishing
132,760원(18% 할인 / 6,640원)
The Mythic Life of Crazy Horse Warrior, Hero, And Martyr in Three Biographical Visions (Paperback)
Davis Truman | Vincenzo Nappi
14,740원(18% 할인 / 740원)
Puerto Rico: A National History (Paperback)
Jorell Melendez-Badillo | Princeton University Press
27,970원(18% 할인 / 1,400원)
Project Manhattan- The untold story of the Manhattan project (Hardcover)
Adeeb Jamal | Notion Press
42,780원(18% 할인 / 2,140원)

Project Manhattan- The untold story of the Manhattan project (Paperback)
Adeeb Jamal | Notion Press
26,550원(18% 할인 / 1,330원)
The Lost Colony of Roanoke: Unraveling the Mystery of the Vanished Settlement (Paperback)
CMM Waterston-Hillier | CMM Waterston-Hillier
14,740원(18% 할인 / 740원)
Pfeiler der US-Macht: Seefahrermentalit? und Puritanismus (Paperback)
Wolfgang Effenberger | Grin Verlag
275,270원(18% 할인 / 13,770원)
The Civil War (Paperback)
제러미 블랙 | St. Augustine's Press
45,360원(10% 할인 / 1,370원)

The Rush for Black Diamonds, Volume One: From John Locke to Thomas Jefferson--The Transatlantic Slave Trade to Chattel Slavery in the UK and the Us (Hardcover)
George Walters-Sleyon | Cascade Books
70,840원(18% 할인 / 3,550원)
History of the Central American Nations (Paperback)
Roberto Miguel Rodriguez | Roberto Miguel Rodriguez
47,210원(18% 할인 / 2,370원)
Erziehung, Religion Und Ethnische Identitat: Die Allgemeine Lehrerzeitung Und Das Deutsch-Evangelische Schulwesen in Rio Grande Do Sul, Brasilien (190 (Hardcover)
Isabel Christina Arendt | Academic in Der Verlag Herder Gmbh
89,100원(10% 할인 / 2,680원)
The Soul Between Two Fires (Paperback)
Angel S. Torres-Cabassa | lulu.com
40,850원(18% 할인 / 2,050원)

Alaskan History: A Captivating Guide to Alaska's Past and the Story of Its Native Peoples (Hardcover)
Captivating History | Captivating History
38,950원(18% 할인 / 1,950원)
La trata de esclavos en el Atl?tico: Un apasionante recorrido por la colonizaci? europea y la esclavitud en el Nuevo Mundo (Hardcover)
Billy Wellman | Billy Wellman
37,910원(18% 할인 / 1,900원)
Taxing Blackness: Free Afromexican Tribute in Bourbon New Spain (Paperback)
Norah L. a. Gharala | University Alabama Press
48,510원(10% 할인 / 1,460원)
The Complete Journals of Lewis and Clark (Collector's Edition) (Laminated Hardback with Jacket) (Hardcover)
Lewis, Meriwether | Revive Classics
101,840원(18% 할인 / 5,100원)

Gold Dust : The California Gold Rush and the Forty-Niners (Paperback)
Donald Dale Jackson | Routledge
55,020원(18% 할인 / 2,760원)
Slave Trade;An Evil Wind Across The Atlantic Ocean (Paperback)
David Arhin | David Arhin
36,900원(18% 할인 / 1,850원)
Middle Kingdom: The United States and the World Since the End of the Cold War / L'Empire du milieu: Les ?ats-Unis et le monde depuis (Paperback)
Pierre M?andri | Odile Jacob
98,730원(10% 할인 / 2,970원)
The Rush for Black Diamonds, Volume One: From John Locke to Thomas Jefferson--The Transatlantic Slave Trade to Chattel Slavery in the UK and the Us (Paperback)
George Walters-Sleyon | Cascade Books
48,700원(18% 할인 / 2,440원)

The Immigrant Jews of New York : 1881 to the Present (Hardcover)
Irving Howe | Routledge
165,120원(18% 할인 / 8,260원)
Empire, Incorporated: The Corporations That Built British Colonialism (Paperback)
Philip J. Stern | Harvard University Press
26,930원(25% 할인 / 270원)
Scottish Highlands and the Atlantic World : Social Networks and Identities (Paperback)
S. Karly Kehoe | Edinburgh University Press
36,670원(18% 할인 / 1,840원)
The Last Adieu: Lafayette's Triumphant Return and the Grand Celebration That United a Grateful America (Hardcover)
Ryan Cole | Harper Horizon
44,260원(18% 할인 / 2,220원)

Brazilian History and Mythology: An Enthralling Journey Through Brazil's Past and Legendary Myths (Hardcover)
Billy Wellman | Billy Wellman
40,720원(18% 할인 / 2,040원)
Revising Pentecostal History (Paperback)
Rakel Ysteb? Alegre | Pickwick Publications
70,840원(18% 할인 / 3,550원)
The Saints Who Built America: How Sacred Foundations Shaped 200 Years of US History (Hardcover)
Ryan Shanahan | lulu.com
79,700원(18% 할인 / 3,990원)
Wild Billy Earp (And Where to Find Him) (Hardcover)
Mike Martin | Softwood Books
50,160원(18% 할인 / 2,510원)

Wild Billy Earp (And Where to Find Him) (Paperback)
Mike Martin | Softwood Books
36,880원(18% 할인 / 1,850원)
Brazilian Mythology: Enthralling Folktales, Vibrant Folklore, Mythical Legends, and Deities of Brazil (Hardcover)
Billy Wellman | Billy Wellman
36,290원(18% 할인 / 1,820원)
Reflections: We Grandparents' Back Pay - A Struggle for Reparatory Justice (Paperback)
Renwick Rose | Hobo Jungle Educational Prog, Inc.
25,010원(18% 할인 / 1,260원)
The Secret Rout (Paperback)
A. N. F. Sim?s | Olyssipo
39,830원(18% 할인 / 2,000원)

God Called, She Answered: Moving Past History and Tradition into Ministry Leadership (Paperback)
Geraldine Morris Pinkston | Xulon Press
28,020원(18% 할인 / 1,410원)
The Evolution of Literature in the Americas : A Timeline and Commentary (Hardcover)
Earl E. Fitz | Routledge
403,640원(18% 할인 / 20,190원)
Forbidden Civilizations: Alien America (Paperback)
Igor Kryan | lulu.com
59,020원(18% 할인 / 2,960원)
The May 1970 Rebellion, Volume 2 (Paperback)
Frank Gormlie | Frank Gormlie
36,880원(18% 할인 / 1,850원)

The May 1970 Rebellion, Volume 1 (Paperback)
Frank Gormlie | Frank Gormlie
51,640원(18% 할인 / 2,590원)
History of Brazil: An Enthralling Guide to Ancient Indigenous Civilizations, Portuguese Colonization, the Imperial Era, and Modern Times (Hardcover)
Billy Wellman | Billy Wellman
37,170원(18% 할인 / 1,860원)
Historia de la Rep?lica Dominicana: Una fascinante gu? sobre las antiguas ra?es de la isla caribe?, los ta?os y caribes, su pasado colonial y su (Hardcover)
Captivating History | Captivating History
35,550원(18% 할인 / 1,780원)
Epic Fails in American History: 27 Historical Failures That Shaped Our Future and the Valuable Lessons Gained (Hardcover)
Ahoy Publications | Legerum AB
37,910원(18% 할인 / 1,900원)

Trivia sobre la historia de los nativos americanos: Ponga a prueba sus conocimientos con m? de 200 preguntas y respuestas sobre culturas ind?enas, l (Hardcover)
Ahoy Publications | Legerum AB
39,390원(18% 할인 / 1,970원)
Epic Fails in American History: 27 Historical Failures That Shaped Our Future and the Valuable Lessons Gained (Paperback)
Ahoy Publications | Legerum AB
23,450원(18% 할인 / 1,180원)
Trivia sobre la historia de los nativos americanos: Ponga a prueba sus conocimientos con m? de 200 preguntas y respuestas sobre culturas ind?enas, l (Paperback)
Ahoy Publications | Legerum AB
24,920원(18% 할인 / 1,250원)
Maria Corina Machado (Paperback)
Did You Know Series | Did You Know Series
28,020원(18% 할인 / 1,410원)

Kincaid's Discovery: The Hidden Mysteies of the Grand Canyon (Paperback)
Cassiel E. Nox | Cassiel E. Nox
16,210원(18% 할인 / 820원)
Doctrine and Disease in the British and Spanish Colonial World (Hardcover)
Kathleen Miller | Penn State University
148,430원(25% 할인 / 1,490원)